New (Temporary) Full-Service Location

Heya Friends!

Davey Oil here, from Gillies & Oil Family Cyclery.

Thank you for your support through this difficult time. The Greenwood Explosion was a shocking, damaging blow to our neighborhood and our bike shop. It goes without saying that we thank our lucky stars, guardian angels, and the heroes at Greenwood Fire Station 21 for the safety of our lives and bodies, and those of our neighbors.

The support, emotional, financial and collaborative, of so many customers, business partners and fellow-travelers in the cargo and utility bike movement has been inspiring, to say the least. We emerge from the rubble of this unexpected setback, buoyed up by your love and support. We will never take that love for granted. We will use the strength which you have leant us to work with you to build a better world.

Thank you.

This is to let you know the address of the new, (temporary, but full-service) location of G&O Family Cyclery.

For this Spring, and as much of the Summer as we need to find and move into a newer, bigger, even better home, we are headquartered at:

8554 1/2 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 

Note: address above no longer valid as of 3/2017 - our new location is  8558 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

Yeah! That is just up the street from our previous, blown-up location! Greenwood Prevails!

Customers and visitors: We should be ready to open for full-service and sales within a week or two. Keep an eye on our social media and website for news. We will not be scheduling repairs until we know with total certainty what our opening date will be. Thanks for your patience!

Feel free to email if you have any questions at all. Our phone lines should be back up and running soon, as well.

And if you haven't seen this sweet video from our good friends at Xtracycle, grab a hankie and check it out: